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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What Is The Divorce Rate In The US?

Though the divorce rate is thankfully falling, still over 40 percent of marriages in our country end in divorce. A few speculative reasons why the divorce rate is lower as of late include the state of our economy, couples marrying later in life, fewer couples marrying, and the increase in cohabitation prior to marriage. [The paternity court call (which decides child custody and support for unwed couples) is growing enormously.] In 2011, there were 877,000 divorces (excluding data from California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, and Minnesota), which is down about one percent from 2010.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 20% of marriages end in divorce within five years, 35% end in divorce within 10 years, 43% end in divorce within 15 years, and 50% of marriages end in divorce within 20 years. Even with those statistics, a married couple is still more stable than an unmarried couple cohabiting. The likelihood of a premarital cohabitation ending within five years is 49% compared to 20% for married couples. And 62% of premarital cohabitations end within 10 years, compared to 35% for married couples.

Even though our country's divorce rate is accurate, the statistical analysis ought not stop there. For example, couples between the ages of 20 to 24 have the highest rate of divorce and are twice as likely to get a divorce compared to couples who marry between the ages 25 to 29 years old.

Reasons for divorce differ just as much as the two people involved, so many factors come into play. For more in depth information pertaining to your specific scenario, contact Illinois Divorce Attorney Vincent Ruggiero at 630-654-0044 for assistance with your divorce matters in DuPage, Will, Kane, and Cook Counties.

Vincent C. Ruggiero, Esq.
Contested Divorce, Custody, Maintenance,
Property & Business Division - Lawyer 1984,
CPA, Certified Mediator, Former "Fellow"
Illinois Collaborative Law Institute
website: RuggieroFamilyLaw.com
office: 630.654.0044
fax: 630.654.0150

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